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Takaoka City Educational Trip

Takaoka City Educational Trip

Educational trip in Takaoka Recommended points

Takaoka City、The Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, which is popular as an educational travel destination,、Kanazawa、Close to Noto and Wajima、It is possible to create an effective learning route in conjunction with the surrounding area.。
Hokuriku Shinkansen Shin-Takaoka Station is 13 minutes from Kanazawa Station、Because it is a short distance of 7 minutes from Toyama Station、Experiences by class combined with Kanazawa and Toyama are possible、Within walking distance from Takaoka Station、There are two historic streets (important traditional preservation districts)、Also suitable for group activities。
For more informationClick here>


in Takaoka、With traditional industries such as Takaoka copperware and Takaoka lacquerware、Modern industries such as aluminum, chemicals, and pulp are thriving。
You can learn about the tradition that has developed as a "manufacturing town" representing the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.。

  • ZIBA
  • Kanaya
  • able to do
Recommended spot
Takaoka Local Industry Center ZIBA、金屋町、Nousaku Co., Ltd., etc.

2traditional culture

Takaoka prospered as a commercial city and transportation hub、Various festival events were born。
From the diverse culture of the townspeople, including traditional culture related to the Kaga Domain、You can learn the importance of inheriting tradition。

  • Ruuge
  • Takaoka Daibutsu
  • Takao Ak Mikurumayama Hall
Recommended spot
DAVID Zuiryuji、金屋町、Shan suji、Takaoka Daibutsu、Mikurumayama Hall, etc.


Takaoka is、It is also the place where Otomo Yakamochi, a representative poet of Japan's oldest collection of poems "Manyoshu", stayed as the governor of Etchu.。
Otomo no Yakamochi left many excellent poems in a place related to Manyo(Furu)keep warm(Tazu)There is learning to know new things

  • Manyo History Museum
  • Shokoji
  • Yuqing
Recommended spot
Takaoka Manyo History Museum、Shokoji、Amaharashi Beach, etc.

Shin-Takaoka Station is convenient for educational trips to the Hokuriku area!

Takaoka is 13 minutes from Kanazawa Station and 7 minutes from Toyama Station by Hokuriku Shinkansen.、The location makes it easy to schedule an itinerary for the entire Hokuriku area.。
*For details on access to Takaokaコチラ


Click here for information on subsidies that can be used for educational travel

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